Replacing Canned Tomatoes with Fresh

With almost everything, one wonders how to substitute something canned for something fresh. But with tomatoes, the question is reversed; almost every recipe I’ve seen in a cookbook or online that deals with tomatoes will almost always referred to the canned version. And since tomato product cans always use an epoxy lining that contains BPA, that may bother one.

It took a while to find this advice, thus I’m blogging it for the future. I got it from, almost randomly:

Can fresh diced tomatoes be substituted for canned ones?

Yes. To substitute fresh diced tomatoes for a 14.5-ounce can of undrained diced tomatoes, use approximately 1 1/4 cups of diced fresh tomatoes and 1 cup of liquid. If your recipe calls for a 28-ounce can of undrained diced tomatoes, use about 2 1/2 cups of diced fresh tomatoes and 1 cup of liquid. Use any liquid that seems appropriate for your recipe, such as water, broth or tomato juice.

And now I think I can make some stew and curry in peace.

9 thoughts on “Replacing Canned Tomatoes with Fresh

  1. Thanks! We are trying to eliminate canned tomatoes from our pantry and trying to find ideas for thing like diced, and crushed tomatoes

  2. I finally got the right question to ask google that led me to this blog. Canned tomatoes are expensive where I live, and I have to go to the “classier” supermarkets to find them too (those that cater to expats). Thanks so much for sharing this tip! Now I can dare to cook those recipes that kept asking for canned tomatoes! ^_^

  3. Awesome! I am out of cannned tomatoes for my recipe today and was wondering what to replace them with. First of all, I have no idea that the cans contained BPA. Secondly, if this works in my recipe I doubt I will ever buy cans of tomatoes again! Thanks!

  4. Thanks so much!! I was given a BUNCH of fresh tomatoes, and I was looking for a way to use them in my chili recipe (which uses 14.5 oz cans). This was a budget saver!

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